GOP torpedoes Iraq troop pullout plan
By DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent
Senate Republicans torpedoed legislation Wednesday to force the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq, bowing to President Bush's adamant refusal to consider any change in war strategy before September.
The 52-47 vote fell far short of the 60 needed to advance the legislation and marked the final act in an all-night session that Democrats engineered to dramatize their opposition to the war.
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Senate Majority leader Harry Reid was trumpeting the democrat line to cut and run (euphemistically dubbed ‘withdrawal’) and protect our assets and interests in Iraq. This is the height of hyprcrisy and I do not see anything taller in the horizon. Reid is in a hurry to get out now, because “time is on our side and the american people are on our side”. Perhaps Reid does not realize that he is doing a double talk.
The republicans stood their ground: “Think of the aftermath of withdrawal – murders, chaos, genocide …” When Reid was asked what are the alternatives of wiithdrawal, he bristled at the reporter, but was speechless.
Senator John Kerry was interviewed on CNN if he believes there will be genocide after withdrawal and he replied, “genocide is here now …” yet he voted for withdrawal. Cannot understand his logic.
For a while I thought democrats will be sleeping with republicans, with sheets and cots just off the senate floor. It turned out to be a slumber party of deadheads. Not even the presidential contenders were immune from the indignity.