Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Myrtle Beach Rumble

Words that remain Unspoken

The debate of Democrat presidential contenders on the day commemorating Martin Luther King (MLK) was partly circus histrionics on who is more MiLKy WAY among the three contenders left standing after the original crop of ten. Pundits say that it was actually a rumble between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, with John Edwards standing as the referee, making calls against Obama more than against Hillary... which boils down to white vis a vis black, unfortunately. Very interesting democrats ...

Although a wide range of issues were tackled during the deliberations, the stellar highlights focused on personal calls. Early in the campaign, Hillary posed rhetorical questions about the electability of Obama. The unspoken word is BLACK,therefore Obama is not electable. The unspoken word did not resonate with Iowa voters and Hillary was unceremoniously trounced. In New Hampshire, Hillary did a number on manipulating voters with body english which unmistakably relayed the unspoken words: "I am woman, pity me, vote for me". Surprisingly it worked with New Hamshirites. Hillary was ecstatic, and blurted "I have finally found my voice!" , meaning the unspoken words.

Now on the just concluded debate in South Carolina, she declared straightfacedly, although laced with bluster and braggadocio:
a... I can tackle foreign affairs effectively
b ... I can be commander in chief effectively
c. ... I am the agent of change, effectively for thirty six years
d ... etc, etc. etc.
and in all those pronouncements she did not utter the unspoken words: "because my husband Bill is behind me!!"
which prompted Barack Obama to wail ... "I am fighting two Clintons!" wherein he could have echoed Bill Clinton in New Hampashire "Give me a break!" but his body english spoke flawlessly with unspoken words echoing Dubya: "Bring 'em on!"

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