Saturday, September 27, 2008

Will They Ever Learn??

Republican noise makers declared McCain winner of the debate even before it started. It means McCain need not  show up for the debate because it is already won. Talk about being scared.
In the course of the debate familiar cliches were tossed  around in abundance:
1. I have plenty of experience and ready to be president.
2. He is naive and does not understand Iraq.
3.  He is naive and doest not understand Russia.
4. He is naive and does not  understand the surge.
5. He is naive and does not understand foreign policy by  talking to adversaries without preconditions.
 These are pronouncements, worn out and passe were it not re-hashed  by the nominee of GOP.
These were the same pronouncements of someone who is now in the dustbin of history.
The electorate is not that stupid.  Will they ever learn?  

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