Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Ode to Gypsy


Radiant rays of sunrise painting the sky

Scudding clouds sofly racing on high

Reddish glow of sunset heralding the end of day

Meaningless all and gray until you came to me.


You came to me on wings of song

When you put your lips closer to the phone

Images of you coming to me in a dream

Gliding stealthily on planks of moonbeam.


Fairylike motions light as a feather

Fiery lips caressing   till the end of never

On these dreamlike reverie I hate to waken

Whispering softly the words I leave unspoken.


I searched for you on places high and wide

Unbeknownst you are always  by my side

Affectionate and caring always full of love

Nobody else like you save from up above.


The sound of your voice warbling a song

Fills my heart with gladness all day long

Soothing as the mist on a hot summer day

Breaking barriers to have union with thee!



Anonymous said...

Often, we searched in all corners of the universe only to find that which we so desperately desire is right before us.

But searching is a must in order to transccend our soul and consciousness to reach the infinite height of glory.

Only after then we can safely come back to our own pure essence and enjoy the rest of our natural existence.

Let the Eagle Wild soar high and mighty into the vast space.

eagle wild said...

Thanks Chi for allowing the eagle to soar high. When I was working with a Fortune 500 company, I had in my office wall a logo/slogan that says:
You can't soar with eagles if you flock with turkeys.