Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Hilarious Hillary


Clinton urges Dems to press Bush on Iraq


Democrats should pressure President Bush to agree to a withdrawal of troops from Iraq rather than concede that he will veto such a plan, New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday.

Bush has promised to veto House and Senate versions of a war spending bill that includes timetables for drawing down troops, but Democrats shouldn't give up, said Clinton, the front-runner for the 2008 Democratic nomination.

For more detils click on banner headline ….

"I'm not ready to concede that," Clinton said. "We're actually back into a bipartisan government where we have a Democratic Congress and a Republican president. What has historically happened is there has to be some negotiation and compromise and we may not get it, but I'm not willing to concede."

   Hilarious Clinton is doing her best – citing past precedents, doubting present goings-on and making future commitments. This is not even double talk, it is triple talk. Congenital liars do not realize they are prevaricating when they do. It is so ingrained in their mental makeup and could not discern between truth and lies. And this is she who is gunning for the white house.


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