Saturday, April 7, 2007

Tehran Disconnect



Iranian: U.K. can help mend relations


Ambassador Rasoul Movahedian told the Financial Times newspaper in an article published Saturday that Iran had "showed our goodwill" by freeing the Britons.

"Now it is up to the British government to proceed in a positive way," he was quoted as saying. "We will welcome in general any steps that could defuse tensions in the region."

The British mariners, captured in the Persian Gulf on March 23, were freed Wednesday by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who called their release a gift to Britain.

For full details click on banner headline…


   Can’t fault the Iranian Ambassador … he is just doing his job, toeing the propaganda line of this boss in Tehran, despicable as it may be. A gift to Britain?!! Kidnapping and releasing hostages is considered a gift?  It is a crime and the perpetrator should be punished. The little man in Tehran might be sincere in his belief that he gave Britain a ‘gift’, which means an utter disconnect of his brain functions, just like his denial of the holocaust.

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